Covid19 Protection Management
Valid from: 04/27/2020 (last edited: 11/18/2020)
The aim is to give my customers the best possible protection from being infected by the coronavirus.
I use hygiene masks in special work situations in which I cannot keep the minimum distance due to therapy. I would like to point out that I have lived a large part of the measures described here anyway and even without COVID-19 requirements from the federal government.
Existing protective material
Hand disinfectant with virocidal effect
Surface disinfectant with virocidal effect
Surgical disposable hygiene masks for clients and therapists
Disposable protective gloves for therapists
Trash can with a lid
Notice board with behavioral measures
Symptoms and risk groups
We do not offer personal therapy to people who have at least one of the following symptoms or who belong to one of the risk groups mentioned:
Symptoms: Difficulty breathing or symptoms of a respiratory tract infection with fever and cough.
Risks: over 65 years of age or suffering from cancer, diabetes, immune deficiency, arterial hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, chronic lung diseases.
I offer such people remote treatment in the form of online sessions with video transmission.
One day before the appointment, we contact the customer to inquire about their condition with regard to symptoms and risk groups, informing them that sick people should go into self-isolation and that payment without cash is preferred.
We make sure that only the person to be treated comes and that any accompanying persons do not enter our practice. Exception for children accompanied by a parent.
Customers make appointments before they come to us. We do not serve walk-in customers.
A maximum of 3 people are in a therapy room (1 therapist and 1 customer, possibly accompanied by a parent).
Unnecessary items such as magazines and papers have been removed.
We don't have humidifiers, air conditioners, water dispensers, and fans.
Notice board, hand disinfectant and mask are placed conspicuously in the entrance area of ​​the practice (hygiene station).
There is no waiting area in the practice.
The required distance between workplaces is ensured to the extent that we have separate therapy rooms.
The customers are served in zones which are cleaned regularly and are separated from other customers.
Hand sanitizer is placed in front of the toilet. The toilet is cleaned and rubbish bins are emptied (especially when there is an opportunity to wash hands) regularly.
Customers and staff are instructed to avoid touching garbage, not to squeeze garbage bags, and to discard gloves immediately after handling garbage. Tools (broom, shovel, etc.) are available.
Points of contact such as door handles, door edges, banisters, cloakrooms, toilets, chairs, table surfaces, treatment chairs and loungers are disinfected with surface disinfection before and after each customer. Likewise, surfaces and objects such. B. work surfaces, keyboards, telephones, pens and work tools between customers and between staff.
Protective cloths from therapy tables are changed after each customer.
The practice is well ventilated at least 10 minutes before the next customer.
The duration of a therapy session is divided so that it does not exceed two hours, if possible (usual protection time for masks).
The time between two successive therapy sessions is divided in such a way that customers do not have to meet in the practice, the points of contact can be cleaned and the practice can be well ventilated.
Notice of the protective measures in accordance with the FOPH at every entrance (notice board). If possible, leave doors open in practice to avoid touching them.
Cups, glasses, dishes or utensils are not shared. Dishes are rinsed with soap and water after use.
Therapy session procedure
When the customer enters, the therapists are already wearing a mask with an intact protective effect, have already disinfected their hands and greet and instruct the customers at the required interval about hand cleaning with the hand disinfectant and the correct application of the mask. It also applies: Do not touch objects belonging to customers (e.g. hanging up jackets). Avoid unnecessary body contact (e.g. shaking hands). Cover wounds on fingers or wear protective gloves.
Washing facilities with soap and water are available. Hand sanitizer is available.
The customer is given a new mask to ensure the protective function for the duration of the entire therapy session. Customers' own masks are therefore not permitted.
Using the toilet: Flush the toilet only with the toilet lid closed to avoid an aerosol cloud. Thoroughly washing your hands for 1 minute with a commercially available soap provides sufficient security. Use disposable towels to dry your hands. After using the toilet, also clean your hands with hand disinfectant. This is right in front of the toilet.
When signing the declaration of consent for treatment, it is ensured that a disinfected pen is used.
As soon as the actual therapy begins and the customer is in the therapy chair or on the therapy couch, the therapists disinfect the hands.
After the therapy, the therapists dispose of gloves and disinfect the hands.
Payment can be made against advance payment, invoice or on site with Twint. Avoid using cash if possible.
Immediately before leaving the practice, the customers dispose of the mask and then disinfect their hands again.
Before and after each customer, staff must wash their hands with soap and water or disinfect them with a hand sanitiser.
Correct use of the hygiene mask
Before putting on and after removing the mask, wash your hands with soap and water or disinfect with a disinfectant. Thoroughly washing your hands for 1 minute with a commercially available soap provides sufficient security.
Carefully put on the hygienic mask so that it covers your nose and mouth and tighten it so that it is snug against your face. Adjust the top wire hanger of the mask to the nose. The customers do it themselves, with two fingers.
Do not touch the mask once it is in place.
Dispose of disposable hygienic masks immediately after removing them.
Stock: Soap dispensers, disposable towels, disinfectants (for hands) and cleaning agents (for objects and / or surfaces) are regularly checked and refilled. Care is taken to ensure sufficient stocks.
Responsible person: Marco Brodbeck
Legal basis
Confederation: COVID-19 Ordinance 3 (SR 818.101.24), Federal Act on the Legal Basis for Federal Council Ordinances to Cope with the Covid-19 Epidemic (SR 818.102), Labor Act (SR 822.11) and its ordinances.
Canton: Ordinance on measures to combat the Covid-19 epidemic (Covid-19 V) in the Canton of Lucerne